Info for Districts

As more and more districts across Maine are embracing the power of coaches, many are looking for guidance for how to create a technology integrator/coach position. Although there are no steadfast rules/certifications for the position, here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

If you have any questions at all or would like to set up a phone call or video chat about creating a technology integrator/coach position in your district, please reach out to Susie Simmons, the Technology Integrator representative ACTEM Board member.

Should we attend the ACTEM Fall Conference?

Yes! The ACTEM Fall Conference is a fantastic opportunity to meet with a TON of technology-minded educators from across the state. A number of the integrators/coaches attend each year and it provides an excellent opportunity to "pick their brain" about what works when it comes to the wide variety of models that are being used across the state. If you have a staff member who might be interested in being an integrator/coach, attending the conference is a great way to network and build their personal learning network ahead of moving into the role.

For more information about the conference, please visit our website.

What certification(s) do districts usually require?

Generally speaking, most districts do not have a required certification for their tech integrators/coaches. However, many prefer or recommend the 680 Computer Education certificate. If the staff member does not hold a 680, sometimes it is encouraged to be obtained once they are an integrator/coach. Often times districts find that the 680 requirement limits their pool of applicants a great deal.

Overall, here are the certifications currently held by the technology integrators/coaches in Maine:

Do you have an example job posting?

Here are some examples from around the state:

SAD 55

MSAD 55 is seeking a dynamic Technology Integrator to support our educators in using technology to differentiate and provide the education all students deserve!

The ideal candidate will have:

  • Enthusiasm and passion for integrating technology into classrooms to support enhanced teaching and learning for students
  • Experience building positive relationships with educators and providing professional development in various capacities
  • Ability to be a creative self-starter and demonstrated knowledge of technology in schools
  • Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively

Current Maine Computer Technology Endorsement (680) or willingness to be certified

What does the job description typically entail?

Here are some examples of tech integrator/coach job descriptions:

  • Yarmouth Instructional Technology Integrator

Yarmouth Instructional Technology Integrator

Role and Responsibilities

District Role and Responsibilities

  • Member of K-12 Technology Team
  • Long-range planning for technology equipment, budget and professional development
  • Maintain current knowledge about technology and pedagogy
  • Provide support and guidance to all staff in the areas of educational technology
  • Design and present effective professional development workshops for teachers and administrators
  • Develop technology use protocols and assists staff and students with legal and ethical issues relating to the use of materials and the Internet.
  • Administer Yarmouth G Suite for Education
  • Digital Citizenship K-12
  • Update and teach Yarmouth Summer-Fall Technology Course
  • Participate in ACTEM, other regional technology educator groups, and national conferences

Building Role and Responsibilities

  • Advocate for innovative curricula and support independent learning opportunities related to technology
  • Membership on Building Leadership Team(s)
  • Provide formal and informal staff development
  • Support technology integration with classroom teachers, support staff and administrators
  • Fulfill coordinator responsibilities during the school year and for 10 summer days
  • Stay current on knowledge of emerging technologies, the needs of diverse learners, web-based tools and social media
  • Teach student expectations and support discipline regarding responsible use of devices
  • Develop and teach lessons promoting effective digital citizenship and web competencies
  • Plan and participate in parent information nights regarding technology
  • Webmaster for each building website
  • Provide the initial level of support for technology devices, applications, and systems--“Go to” person for all questions related to technology
  • Building level management of accounts, subscriptions, and password management for teachers and students
  • Develop and monitor building technology budget
  • Manage building equipment, software, and supplies
  • Manage online testing (NWEA, MEA, etc.)
  • Manage and evaluate Ed Tech technology assistants (HMS & YHS)
  • Support parents, students, teachers, and administrators with PowerSchool
  • Saco

The purpose of the Instructional Technology Coach is to improve student performance by facilitating work collaboratively with teachers to integrate technology into the teaching and learning. This is done by developing and conducting professional development sessions in which technology harmonizes with the core curriculums; maintaining resources and equipment; providing input and recommendations regarding software purchases and technology plans at site and district level; and providing insights on ways to increase teachers’ use of technology as it impacts student performance in the classroom.

  • MSAD 66

Support students and staff in using technology to deepen learning and promote effective teaching. Provide large group, small group and individual training for staff and students. Assist the technology staff in selecting, distributing and using technology tools, both software and hardware. Collaborate with technology educators in the district.

Who supervises the tech integrator/coach?

Are there any national standards in place for coaches?

Yes! Our national organization, ISTE, has a set of standards for coaches. You can access it on their website at this link (updated in 2019).