Google Group

Join our Google Group!

We are making an effort to move the ACTEM Integrator Listserve to Google Groups to make it easier to access and share the multimedia content that we so frequently pass around. With that in mind, here are the directions for how to join. If you have any problems, please contact Susie Simmons, the SIG Technology Integrator ACTEM Board representative, and she will manually add you to the group.

  1. Send an email to
  2. You will receive an email confirming that you wish to join the group. Please RESPOND to the email. The link in the email does not appear to confirm you. I know you will want to click the blue join button when you receive your confirmation, but please refrain that instinct and reply to the email instead! It won't work otherwise.
  3. You can then see the Google Group in your browser at this page or subscribe to the emails as you see fit.

Unsubscribing from Our Google Group

  1. Send an email to (No subject or message needed.)