Forensics Course Information

Contact Information:


School Phone: 486-4860


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Course Information:

Textbooks: Forensic Science for High School

The Casebook of Forensic Detection: How Science Solved 100 of the World’s Most Baffling Crimes

This is a semester long elective course that meets one period each day of the week. Students will learn the basics of Forensic Science including collection of evidence, analysis of physical evidence, and investigative techniques.


Students are expected to be in class and on time every day. Missed work due to a LEGAL absence must be made up within 5 days of returning to school. Students will not be allowed to make up the missed daily participation grades.

Materials Required:

  • A 3-ring binder for this course only.

Students will need the binder in class every day. Students may choose to store it in the classroom. All of the notes, labs, handouts, and homework will go into the binder and it will be collected with the final exam at the end of the semester. EVERY TEST AND QUIZ INCLUDING THE FINAL EXAM IS OPEN NOTES! If you do not keep an organized binder, you will fail this course.

  • A pen or pencil…I do not provide them.

Grades & Grading:

Homework- Students will complete brief unit homework assignments. Any unfinished class work or labs should be completed for homework as needed.

Tests/Quizzes- All notes, handouts, labs, and homework can be used as resource materials on every test or quiz…including the final exam. It is recommended that students keep up with all of their work for this purpose.

Final Exam- There will be a final exam at the conclusion of this course. Students may use all of their own notes, handouts, labs, and old test and quizzes on this exam. Students who have chosen not to keep their work will have nothing to use on the exam.

Extra Help- One day each week in Room 2329. Please arrive by 2:20. Because of meetings and other obligations, the extra help day will not always be the same each week.

To be successful in this course:

  • Maintain regular attendance
  • Keep all materials related to this course organized in a 3-ring binder. All tests, quizzes, and the final exam are open notes!
  • Do the assigned class work and homework
  • Hand in work when it is due
  • Put effort into every assignment and project