Outstanding Directing


It Hurts

Starring, Directed, & Edited by: Mia Liang

Filming by: Michelle Liang, Mia Liang, Tamara Khoury, & Adam Gasmi

Special Appearances: Abigail Gettman, Sarah Harden, Tamara Khoury, & Ying Lu

In honor of AAPI Month in May & the victims of anti-Asian hate crimes, this film is based on my personal experiences and depicts the struggles a girl faces as a Chinese-American and the impacts it has on her.


Therapy Session

Director: Morgan Lindsey

Actor: Morgan Lindsey

This film is about a girl who loses her best friend so she goes to therapy to cope. She realizes something is off about the therapist and attempts to figure out what it is.

Just Smile, You’re Fine

Set in a parallel society where people take 'Just Smile Tabs' multiple times a day to superficially suppress any sort of negative emotion, symbolizing society's strive for perfection and the masking of mental health issues.

Film by Petrina Diana Gheorghiu

Music: “Sorrows Passing” Peter Gundry (https://youtu.be/NXov3vClscc)

Cinematography: Dora Gheorghiu, Marina Gheorghiu, Siham Kuleib, Petrina Diana Gheorghiu

Special Thanks: Elizabeth Grobmyer,Tamara Khoury, Mia Liang, Randy Girdner, Matthew Foss, Aya Afsh, Madhav Ajayamohan, Inaam Ali, Alex Berry, Aden Coppens, Samer Gebirrebbi, Abbey Girdner, Salma Haskett, Layla Hassen, Celina Jayendran, Bela Koshy, Saad Malik, Abby McColgan, Abdullah Sadiq, Salma Sbai, Lucienne Totton, Max Ulander, Susan Navarro

The Devil's Offer

Director - Harry McKiernan

Actors - Wesley Thurston and Harry McKiernan

Cinematographer - Wesley Thurston and Harry McKiernan

Editing - Harry McKiernan

Poker is a game where most risk a lot of things they have, money, belongings, valuables. However, nothing is more valuable someone's soul as Peter soon finds out when he meets the Devil for a game of cards.

Shenanigans of a Hitman


Agustin Arevalo-Fernandez: director, writer, cinematography, dumb hitman

Nicolas Arevalo-Fernandez: camera operator, Dimitri

Alfredo Arevalo: sound, intelligent hitman

Veronica Fernandez: costumes


Follow the day in the life of a hitmen duo, one who’s dumb, and one who actually knows what’s going on. They are on an assignment but they suddenly have to put a pause to it, since they forgot the weapons they need.

The Effect

Written by Giselle Osley

Directed By Giselle Osley

Cameraman: Giselle Osley

Editor: Giselle Osley


Dora Gheorghiu as Sarah

Cheyenne Osley as Kayla

Melanie Osley as Kayla's sister

Monique McCray as Kayla's mother

A girl who thinks that quarantine will be fun, but was surly proven wrong after an event that changes her life.

Hidden Gems of Abu Dhabi

Directed by Janaki Gokul

Abu Dhabi, A city known for its luxurious lifestyle, record breaking amusement parks and skyscrapers, but not its diverse food scene. We're going to look at four hidden gems in Abu Dhabi, that you're going to want to add to your 'to do list' next time you come to the city.


This is a story of an aspiring dancer auditioning for the up and coming performing group 'SWEET LEMONADE'. She soon realizes her dream of becoming a star is far from ever coming true.

Director- Melanie Osley

Writer- Melanie Osley

Editor- Melanie Osley


Joanne Macaulay as Ashley Brown

Antigoni Slicher as Dina Tremble

Giselle Osley as Cohan Hathaway

A Story of Three Souls

3 teens all have addictions. They have the grades, the sports, the friends, it seems like they have it all. These three kids lead separate lives and have different friends yet the only things connecting them are school and their tendency to be pushed to their limits.

Director- Dahnia Zarroug

The Organization of Thieves

Directed by Ina Mckiernan