Stage 2

Ask a Careers Adviser from our Careers Helpdesk

Careers Advisers from across our national AET family of schools have come together to create the Careers Advice Virtual Helpdesk and we will do our best to support you with your query.

Who we are:

Desiree Hooper

Safina Ahmed

Keira Pritchard

Heidi Gleave

Debbie Ambrose

Leighton Collins

Gaby Spinks

Phillipa Young

Please submit your query to the Careers Advice Helpdesk by clicking on the button below. Please note you will be asked to complete a short ‘Careers Action Plan Survey’ to help our career advisers understand a bit more about you so that we have the key information we need to be able to provide the best possible guidance (if you are a parent please select the parent option at the beginning of the survey and then complete the answers based on your child). The box at the bottom of the survey will give you a chance to type your query and you will be asked to provide a contact email address. If you are a student, we ask that you use your school email address only.

After completing stage 1 (contacting your school) and before contacting the AET ‘Careers Advice Helpdesk’ (by clicking the button below) we suggest you watch this short video with some key things for you to consider in advance. After watching the video, if you still wish to contact the AET Careers Advice Helpdesk, please do so by clicking the button below the video, complete the survey and submit your query.

Careers video self reflect.mp4

Please note, our Careers Helpdesk Advisers will aim to respond to your query by email within 48 hours. Our helpdesk advisers will also make your school aware that you have contacted the Helpdesk and will include your school careers leader in any feedback they provide.