Remarkable Futures

My Intended Destination

Hello, please choose your year group below!

It is incredibly important that you plan ahead to secure the destination of your choice when you leave school.

So that we can support you as much as possible, it is now time to update your intended post 16 destination. Just like last time, you will be asked a series of questions, many are the same and some are new.

Please answer as honestly and accurately as possible, you can open the form via your Year Group button.  

Intended Destinations Survey - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

YEAR 11 and YEAR 13

Thank you for taking the time to think about your future and for sharing your plans with us. Hopefully the information below will help you to complete the survey as accurately as possible.

What is an intended destination?

An intended destination is what you plan to do when you leave school and where you plan to do it. 

Why do I need to fill in this survey?

The purpose of this survey is for you to share your intended destination with us, so that we can support you throughout the remainder of this year to achieve your aspirations. 

Why do I have to answer these questions now?

We will be having conversations with you about the responses you give to the questions. This will help us to identify support and opportunities for you - so be as accurate as possible.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare?

The survey will ask you about your intended destination - what and where you plan to study/train/work when you leave school. It would help if you can think about this in advance of completing the survey.

What if I change my mind in the future?

We will be repeating this survey in February / March and you will have a chance to update your responses then.

Accessing the survey

You must be logged into your school Google account with your school email address to  

access and complete the survey. Simply click on the link that has been shared with you - this takes you to the survey landing page. Read the information carefully (including the information in the pink box at the bottom) and then click on your year group. 

How long will it take?

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Why do some questions have a red star next to them?

This means the question is a ‘required field’ and you must give an answer to be able to move on.

How do I move on?

Scroll down the page, answering the questions as you go. When you come to the bottom of the page simply click ‘next’ to move to the next page of questions.

What if I need to go back?

At the bottom of the survey page there is a ‘back’ button. Simply click this button to return to the previous page (do not click the back arrow at the top of your screen).

How do I submit my survey when I get to the end?

Once you have answered all of the questions and reached the end of the survey you must click the ‘submit’ button. Only when you have clicked this button will your responses be submitted.



I am in Year 11 and I want to stay on into sixth form - which sixth form option do I choose?

If your school currently has a sixth form and you intend to stay on into your school’s sixth form - click ‘my academy sixth form’.

If your school doesn’t currently have a sixth form and you plan to go to another school sixth form - click ‘other school sixth form’

If you intend to go to a grammar school sixth form or an independent school sixth form - click the appropriate box for those. Don’t worry if you are not sure if it is a grammar school sixth form or an independent school sixth form that you are planning to go to - click what you think is right. You will be asked to give the name of the school in the next question and we can check it there. 


I am in Year 11 and I am not 100% sure about my subject choices - what should I do?

Answer the question as accurately as you can based on your thoughts right now. If it is A-levels you plan to study, please list the three subjects that you think you will most likely want to study. If it is a BTEC or Technical Qualification you intend to study (such as Construction) make sure you put that.


I am in Year 11 and want to get an apprenticeship but I am not sure what job sector I should choose from the list provided - what should I do? 

Most jobs should be covered by the broad sectors on the list. If you are unsure you should select the one that you think fits your intended area of work best. Earlier in the survey you will have hopefully shared the job that you think you might like to do in the future - so we can match it that way. 



I am in Year 13 and not sure what level of apprenticeship I want to secure - what option should I select?

There are varying levels of apprenticeships. If you are not sure about the varying levels you should talk to your school Head of Sixth Form, Careers Leader or Careers Adviser. The most important thing in this survey is to let us know that you are considering an apprenticeship so that we can support you with the process. Clicking the apprenticeship option will let us know this. 


I am in Year 13 and want to go to university but I can't find the subject I plan to study in the drop down list. What should I do?

The subjects displayed in the list are faculty (groups of) subjects. Please select a best fit for your subject. If you are unsure what is best to choose, select ‘other’. The very next question will give you the opportunity to write the name of the subject you intend to study. 


I am in Year 13 but I am really not sure what I want to do when I leave sixth form. I clicked ‘undecided at this time’ and it asked me to provide details about the help I need to support me to make a decision. What does this mean?

Let us know here the kinds of support or information you feel would be most helpful. Perhaps it would be a meeting with a careers adviser, more information about apprenticeships or finance or the chance to visit a university.