Trish Garrett, BScN, RN, NCSN

Google classroom

School Nurse for Eastern Alamance High School

Hello! And welcome! My name is Trish Garrett and I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Alberta and am a nationally certified School Nurse. I have been a nurse for 18 years. My time in nursing has been spent in some pretty cool specialties. I was a Pediatric Emergency Nurse for 5 year, Labor and Delivery Nurse for 7 years, a Certified Childbirth Educator for 7 years and a School Nurse for 4 years. During my time as a School Nurse, I have cared for children ranging in age from 3 years through 12th grade. I joined the Eastern team in November of 2018. My primary goal is help keep your children healthy and to provide a safe environment for your children to learn in. I provide first response medical care when the needs arises. I also am able to case manage children with chronic medical conditions and train school personal on how to manage care of your child with ongoing medical concerns. I am at Eastern daily.

Contact Info

(336) 438-4000 Ext. 32417

(919) 563-5991

Google Voice number: 336-517-7621

ABSS School Nurse Site

If you are looking for various emergency health plans, resources for illness, athletic forms, please refer to the site below.

From the Health Room

Are you unsure if your child should attend school if they are sick?? See the image below as a great quick reference. Please contact me should you have any questions!

Student Support Services

The Student Support Services Team's role includes serving as advocate, coordinator, consultant, and liaison between school, home, and the community. Student support staff influence school policies and work to create system change.

The team includes the school nurse, school social worker, school counselor(s), and high school drop out prevention specialist. The school psychologist also works closely with the team.

The goal of the Student Support Staff in the Alamance-Burlington School System is to assist our schools in helping students to have positive school experiences by reducing barriers academically, emotionally, and physically.

Our mission is to ensure that all students, regardless of race, religion, national or ethic origin, color, age, disability, socioeconomic status or gender are served equally. We empower students and their families.

*In keeping with ethical standards, we keep in confidence personally identifiable information regarding students and/or their family members that has been obtained in the course of professional service; unless disclosure is required or permitted by law or professional standards or is necessary for the personal safety of the student or others.*