
Hello Parents!

Please explore the "Core" tab above for supporting your child using the strategies we've practiced at school and see below for additional resources to support you.

As we're all adjusting to so many changes in school and work and life; be gentle with yourself and your children. Take an extra breath before responding to a stressed-out kid. Remember that they are learning every second just naturally. Encourage their natural curiosity in new things. Try to find the fun in being together. And play and read and cuddle.

Then, when the kids feel good and safe, their brains will be ready to tackle "school" (have to build up from the bottom of the pyramid below). Sending so much love and encouragement to all. đź’ž

And a nice pep talk for kids, by kids. It's pretty good stuff for us adults too!

Big Life Journal is an AH-mazing resource for encouraging and supporting your child's learning. Check out their Back-to-School care package here.

Back-to-School Care Package - Big Life Journal.pdf


This is the program Highland uses so your child might be familiar with it:

#CaringForEachOther by Sesame Street

YouTube Channel with lots of resources on feelings, coping strategies, and healthy habits.

Parent Resources for School Closure