FRENCH / Français

 Meet the teacher: Ms. Joy Martin

My name is Ms. Joy Martin.  I grew up in French Canada in the Montreal, Quebec region and I have lived in France for 2.5 years. 

French is spoken as an official language or as a second language all over the world.

6 in Europe, 25 in Africa, 3 in North America, 1 in South America, 3 in Asia and several Island groups in the Pacific.

French is also an Official language in many worldwide organizations such as:

European Union, NATO, the International Olympic Committee, the Council of Europe,  the Eurovision Song Contest,  the European Space Agency The World Trade Organization  the North American Free Trade Agreement   the Red Cross , Amnesty International , Médecins sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde.

You can have a career where French is either your second or third language.  Hispanics who are native speakers, currently learning or know English and can add French.

French and Spanish are two of the five Romance languages.  The language of the Romans was Latin. French and Spanish are cousin languages so it is easier for Hispanics to learn. Neither language is easier or harder than the other.

In class we will watch movies (with an assignment), music videos and commercials.  We will have food days with croissants, French cheeses, pain au chocolat and mustard pickles from Canada.

We make Mardi Gras masks whenever the date is (it changes like Easter).

Yes, there is grammar and vocabulary, verb conjugations that are state requirements but so is the cultural aspect of the language and countries.

You can find my in B2 or email me