Meet the teacher

Photo Taken Spring 2020

Mr. Vernon aka @ElonTeacher

I have taught middle school for three decades in the Alamance-Burlington School System. I am licensed to teach social studies (6-9), science (6-9), language arts (6-9), Elementary Education (K-6) and the Academically & Intellectually Gifted (K-12).

My wife is a former math teacher and school counselor who is currently the Middle School Career Development Coordinator in several of the traditional middle schools in ABSS. We have three children: our oldest, a graduate of Western Carolina University, is a graphic design specialist at a digital marketing company, our middle child is a sophomore at Elon University majoring in Environmental Engineering, and our youngest is a sophomore at the Alamance-Burlington Early College at Alamance Community College

I was the first recipient of the Burlington Times-News's Newspapers in Education Teacher of the Year Award in 1997. I am a National Board Certified Teacher. I was the 2005 North Carolina Middle School Social Studies Teacher of the Year and received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the National Council for Geographic Education the same year. In 2013 I received the North Carolina Press Foundation's Dave Jones Award for promoting Youth Reading and Civic Engagement. In 2022 for a second time I was named the North Carolina Middle School Social Studies Teacher of the Year.

My social media identity is @ElonTeacher. I came up with the name to pay homage to Elon University from where my mom and I both graduated -- I actually have two degrees from Elon. It is also the area where I grew up and have taught. 

Six Facts About Me:

1 - My father, mother, and brother are all teachers (My parents are retired)

2 - My wife and I met at Western Alamance Middle School when she moved her from teaching math at Southern Middle to be a counselor and I was teaching there.. We met at the water fountain at the A Wing (formerly known as the Green House). [Many a person like Moses met his wife at a well or water source]

3 - I have visited the two smallest countries (by area) in the world

4 - I follow a low sodium diet after having had open-heart surgery in 2009

5 - My "dream job" is being a radio dj. I did a lot of this in college and even got to cover a presidential candidate's visit to my college.

6 - I have been an AVID Doctor Who fan since I was in 3rd Grade. I have lots of Doctor Who stuff at home and in my classroom. Please stop me if you ask me about Doctor Who and I talk too long. I even named one of my children after one of the actors that played Doctor Who.

I mentioned I love Doctor Who. Here I am cosplaying as three different Doctors. (I can explain that personally if it confuses people)