Cohort 2026

You need 6 credits to be promoted from 9th grade to 10th grade!


English - 4 Credits

Math - 4 Credits

Social Studies - 4 Credits

Science - 3 Credits

Health and PE - 1 Credit

2 Units in these Departments (CTE, Foreign Language or Arts) - 2 Credits

Electives - 10 Credits

Total: 28 Credits required for graduation

GPA Quality Points:

 CP                     Honors                AP

A=4                             A=4.5                         A=5

B=3                             B=3.5                         B=4

C=2                             C=2.5                         C=3

D=1                             D=1.5                         D=2   

Grading Scale:

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 and below (Failing)