ABSS Digital Resources for Students and Families

Daily Schedule

7:50-8:15 Morning Meeting & SEL

8:15-10:00 Block 1

*Whole Group 8:15-9:00

*Small Groups 9:00-10:00

10:10-10:50 Specials

10:50-12:30 Block 2

*Whole Group 10:50-11:20

*Small Groups 11:20-12:30

12:30-1:15 Lunch

1:15-2:00 Science

2:00-2:30 Recess

2:35 Dismissal

From our fabulous School Nurse Jennifer Miles:

Hi everyone! I wanted to share with you my Google phone number. It’s 336-517-7973. You are welcome to call or text it if you have any questions or if anyone in their family is tested for the Coronavirus or with any needs at all. I am happy to help. Thank you!


Jennifer Miles, BSN, RN, NCSN

School Nurse

Online Resources for all subjects

Check out the document above from Mrs. Bentley. There are some great online links for your kids.