
The second Czechoslovak population census was conducted on 1 December 1930 (the first Czechoslovak census was in 1921). The statistical results of the 1930 Census were published in eight volumes, with a separate volume for housing data. This Census enumerated 136,737 Jews in Slovakia, out of a total Jewish population of 356,830 in all of Czechoslovakia. Slovakia’s Jewish population represented 4.11 percent of the total population of Slovakia.

The enumeration sheets were printed in Slovak. Sometimes the sheets were bilingual (Hungarian, Polish, Ruthenian - depending on the location where the sheets were distributed).

Enumeration sheet details

The sheet header contains:

  • District (A)

  • Town name (A)

  • Further identification (quarter, settlement name)

  • House number (B)

  • Street name and number

  • House owner

The sheets are also equipped with a QR Code attached by Slovak National Archive, identifying storage unit number and the sheet number (C).

The column headers are:

  1. Apartment number (1a - counter for people in the house)

  2. Surname

  3. Maiden or birth surname

  4. Given name

  5. Relationship to the household's head

  6. Sex

  7. Date of birth

  8. Marital status

  9. For women only: a) date of the latest marriage and b) date when widowed or divorced

  10. Number of children (in total)

  11. Number of deceased children

  12. Birthplace (a - town name, b - district, c - country)

  13. Date of moving in to the current town

  14. Place of previous residence

  15. Citizenship and domicile

  16. Nationality

  17. Religion

  18. Literacy level

  19. Occupation

  20. Occupational status

  21. Place of work

  22. Presence in the town (temporary, permanent)

  23. If temporary in #21, then permanent residence

  24. Physical disabilities

  25. Note

Only red marked columns are transcribed in this project.

Transcription rules and examples

The transcription sheet contains the following columns:

A. Box number: SL1930_0372 - from the filename and under the QR code

B. Sheet number: 0007 - from the filename and right to the QR code

C. Page side flag: R - if the image is from rear side (filename "..._r.jpg"), leave blank if otherwise

D. House/Family #: 37/1 - from the header ("37") and the Col.1 ("1")

E. Surname: ILKOVIC - Col.3, in UPPERCASE. Note: always enter female surnames in their male form, omitting Slovak "-OVA" ending (LEFKOVICOVA --> LEFKOVIC)

F. Birth surname: same rules as above ("E"), use the column only if explicitly stated

G. Given name: Izidor - Col.4. In Proper Case.

H. Relationship to the household's head:

  • majitel bytu (apartment owner) = head

  • prednosta domácnosti (head of household) = head

  • manzelka = wife

  • syn = son

  • dcéra = daughter

  • vnuk = grandson

  • vnucka = granddaughter

  • nevesta = daughter-in-law

  • zat = son-in-law

  • svokor/test = father-in-law

  • svokra/testiná = mother-in-law

  • synovec = nephew

  • neter = niece

  • slúžka = maid, servant

  • sluha = servant

  • pomocník = helper

  • nocľažník, podnájomník = lodger

  • chovanec, chovanka = foster child or inmate

I. Date of birth - in format DD-Mmm-YYYY (e.g. 10-Nov-1863)

J. Birthplace - town name (Geca)

K. Town where the census was taken - district name (Kosice) - will be set by the project coordinator

L. District - will be set by the project coordinator

M. Land - will be set by the project coordinator (default: Slovakia)

N. Note - dates of marriage, divorce etc (Col. 8), all possible side notes (e.g. "married 01-May-1868, widowed 15-Apr-1903" or "guest" or "not present" (if enumerated in section B on rear side) or "patient in a hospital" etc).

O. Year - 1930

P. Reference - Source of the data (do not change!)

Q. Other towns - enter Hungarian name variants for the towns in Col.H and Col. I

R. Other names - any other surnames that might appear and not part of the surname field

S. Image path and filename - computed field - DO NOT CHANGE

T. Glue field (to keep the families together) - computed field - DO NOT CHANGE

Town names

In general, town names from 1930 are to be used. They could change over time so today's name doesn't have to match it. Please use the names as written in the enumeration sheets.

In addition - to keep the searches in All Hungary Database consistent - the Hungarian town name should be added to the Col. O.

Whenever in doubt, please use the following sites to cross-check the town names:

Slovakia -

Hungary - (start typing the town name in the search field)

Subcarpathia -

Galicia -