Award Levels & Recognition

ABRHS Community Service Awards, Presidential Volunteer Service Awards, Transcript Listings, Community Service Awards Night

Acton-Boxborough students who do 20 or more hours of volunteering during a calendar year (and report their hours by the deadline) are eligible for community service recognition. The Community Service Program at ABRHS recognizes the fact that students who do volunteering go beyond their own needs to help others. Here are the award levels, determined by age and number of hours. 

Online Report Forms Due on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - Every December students are asked to submit a report of their volunteer hours during the calendar year. ABRHS Community Service Awards go to students who have completed at least 20-99 hours of service. Students who complete at least 100 hours of service (or at least 50 hours of service if under age 16) are eligible for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. All of the certificates and awards are presented at the annual Community Service Awards Night held in January. The form to report your hours will be available in November, 2024. In order to be eligible for recognition and awards, students must report their hours by the December 4th deadline. 

Are you turning 16 this calendar year?

 On your report form, we will ask you how many hours you volunteered at age 15 and how many you volunteered at age 16. We take a few things into consideration when determining award levels the year that students turn 16:

This annual community event is our opportunity to thank, recognize and celebrate our student volunteers for all of the contributions they make to the community and beyond. Event highlights include student speakers, student community service slideshow, staff recognition, presentation of awards and remarks about Dr. Martin Luther King,  Jr.'s life and legacy of service.   Visit this link for details.