Private School
Applying to Private School While at RJ Grey
Should you decide to apply to private school during your time at RJ Grey, this information will assist you in the process. Please note the deadlines and follow the procedures carefully.
(If you are a high school student applying to private school, please contact the ABRHS Registrar for all junior high transcript requests. Student records have traveled to ABRHS with the students.)
Fill out and submit the Electronic Form for Private School Application to RJ Grey at least 20 school days before your school’s application deadline. On this form you will:
List EVERY school to which you are applying, the application due date, and the online application system, if any. Many schools now use third party application sites (Gateway, Ravenna, SAO, etc.). Each system works differently and our Counseling department has experience with all of them.
It is important to provide the correct RJ Grey contact information in the platform application when using the sites. Provide the names and email addresses of any teachers you wish to write recommendations for you. Your counselor will write the School Report/Counselor Recommendation, so list their name and email in that spot. List the Registrar (Kerry Lewis, as the staff member that'll provide transcripts. (Kerry can provide elementary records too as needed as those records have been given to RJG.)
List any important information, such as extracurricular activities, awards and employment, to assist the counselor with completing the School Report or Counselor Recommendation portion of the application.
Parents/guardians must electronically sign the Release of Records portion of the form by typing their complete name on the form. This gives everyone at school permission to complete their portion of your application.
Include all the schools to which you plan to apply on your form. If you decide to add more schools later, you will need to complete an additional form.
In order for your information to be submitted in time for a school’s deadline, submit the Electronic Form for Private School Application to RJ Grey at least 20 school days before your school’s application deadline. For a typical January 15th deadline, this would be December 9th.
Then, complete the candidate portion of your application and submit it directly to the private school(s) or online system, along with the appropriate fee.
Teacher Recommendations
The private school will indicate any teacher recommendations they require. Students should speak to those teachers directly at least twenty school days in advance of the school’s deadline, and confirm that the teacher will be willing to write a recommendation for you. The teachers will check that you have submitted the Electronic Form for Private School Application before they write the recommendation. If there is a case where a paper form must be filled out, be sure this is provided to the teacher.
Meeting with the Counselor
Your counselor will schedule an in-person or virtual appointment to meet with you and review your application materials. They will then submit the School Report/Counselor Recmmendation portion of the application.
Contact Info. for Applications
Applicants must be sure to provide the correct contact information (email addresses) to the private schools or application sites.
*For K-8 transcripts and report cards:
Enter the Registrar’s contact information: Kerry Lewis,
If you are a high school student applying to private school, please contact the ABRHS Registrar for all junior high transcript requests. Student records have traveled to ABRHS with the students.
*For teacher recommendations:
Enter the individual teachers' name and email addresses,
*For the School Report or Counselor Recommendation:
Enter your counselor's name and email address,
Application Results
Parents should inform the counseling department in writing of your status. Please contact Mrs. Lewis in the Counseling office if you have been accepted or wait-listed. If you choose to attend, final transcripts will be forwarded to the receiving school by the Counseling Office.