Independent reading

You are welcome to take books out of my CLASSROOM LIBRARY. In order to do so, you must check it out with me first!

Using my phone, I will take your picture with the book. When you return it, I will delete the picture (no one will see the photos but me). You DO NOT want to be on the WANTED poster at the end of each month!

Click on the image on the left for instructions to access Ebooks from through the RJ Grey library.

Click on this Bitmoji Library to access many great books online.

Bitmoji Classroom Library

Throughout the year, students will be expected to read independently both inside and outside of school in order to produce an independent reading project (IRP). This assignment typically consists of a writing piece and a creative project. Creative projects can range and are very open-ended. Students may write something, draw, paint, digitally create, etc.

stay tuned for models of past IRP projects. . .