Netflix Documentary - The Social Dilemma 2020

Students will watch this entire documentary in class.

Parent Tips NO, Why Kids of All Ages Need to Hear It And Ways Parents Can Say It.

"Self discipline is a much stronger indicator of school success than intelligence." - Dr. David Walsh, author of NO, Why Kids of All Ages Need to Hear It And Ways Parents Can Say It.

We know what distracted us when we studied. At times, we would rather do anything but be chained to our notes, review sheets or books. We would prefer to procrastinate, do the things we wanted to do rather than dive into our studies. Saying NO to the privileges of our day such as texting, Instagram, Snapchat, video games and Youtube in order to complete our priorities or "must dos" such as homework or chores is a prime example of self discipline or self control. Making self discipline a habit as early as we can in our life will reap tremendous benefits of success.