What Is Open Enrollment

What is Open Enrollment?

The Acton-Boxborough Regional School system has an "open enrollment" policy that allows some choice in selecting the school you would like your child to attend, providing that the school can accommodate the student.

The official School Committee policy on enrollment states:

The Acton-Boxborough Regional School Committee strives to provide high standards of educational excellence in all its elementary schools. Since no single teaching method is best for all students, the Committee supports the use of a variety of teaching methods and techniques that will achieve the prescribed curriculum objectives. It follows that parents should have the opportunity to choose the school they think best fits the needs of their children subject to the availability of space and staff.

In the placement of students, the following guidelines will be utilized in appropriate situations.

1. PROVIDING FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL PROGRAM NEEDS Children requiring specialized programs will be placed in appropriate schools upon recommendation by the Student Services Department.


It is important to build a strong corps of families who can devote their energies to their school's activities. Volunteerism, active parent/teacher organizations, and parent involvement in advisory groups and the like are valuable school resources. So is a family’s long-term connection to a school community. Therefore, if the newly enrolling student has a sibling in the Acton-Boxborough Regional Schools and that sibling attended an Acton-Boxborough elementary school, the newly enrolling student will be given school selection preference at that same school.*


Although we must bus the vast majority of Acton's children to our centrally located schools, we support the town's sidewalk building program and feel children should walk to school wherever possible.

Since this approach offers economic advantages, walkers will be given preference to the school of their choice providing there is seat availability after the placement of siblings. Walkers require school approval after registration.

*A sibling is defined as: 'a relative (by birth, adoption or guardianship) who is living in the same home.'