Possum Facts

Opossum or Possum?

Though the names are often used interchangeably, possums and opossums are actually two different marsupial species!

Possums are typically found in New Guinea, Australia, Indonesia and other islands in the Pacific region. They have furry tails, and have many different varieties like gliders and cuscus.

The opossum is found in North America, and is a more limited species. They are easily recognized for their bare tails, and are North America's only known marsupial.

Though they differ in many ways, both have an instinct to "play dead" when threatened!

Opossums are about the size of a big cat and live in forests, woodlands and near farms.

Opossums and Their Living Habits

Most marsupials live in Australia, but one—the opossum—lives right here in North America. Opossums are about the size of a big cat. Like raccoons, they eat almost anything, including fruit, nuts, insects, frogs, lizards, eggs and plants. They’ll even eat garbage and dead animals.

Opossums live in forests, woodlands and near farms. They like areas with rivers or streams nearby. People sometimes think they are pests because they get into garbage or eat gardens. They can’t help it though. They don’t have a grocery store to buy food like we do.

Opossums have a prehensile tail. This means it can grip branches. Opossums can hang upside down by their tails for a little while, but they can’t sleep this way.

Fun Facts about Opossums

  • When scared, opossums hiss, belch, or even pee or poop. Sometimes they play dead. They lay can lie still for hours and even their breathing slows down.
  • Opossums have a prehensile tail. This means it can grip branches. Opossums can hang upside down by their tails for a little while, but they can’t sleep this way.
  • Opossums are nocturnal. They look for food at night. During the day, they hide in old tree stumps or burrows.
  • Opossums can have as many as 25 babies at once. The babies are the size of a small bean. Babies hide in their mother’s pouch for two months. Then they ride on their mom’s back for another month.
  • Opossums have been around for more than 70 million years. They are one of the oldest mammals on Earth.

Opossums can have as many as 25 babies at once. The babies are the size of a small bean.

"Playing Dead"

A Possum "playing dead"

Apparent death, known as playing dead or playing possum, is a behavior in which animals take on the appearance of being dead. This is used as a defense mechanism and occurs in a wide range of animals including birds, snakes, and frogs. In addition to being still, possums slow their breathing and release a stinky smell to help convince their predator that they are dead. Many animals prefer to hunt living food, and will leave the possums alone.

Watch this amazing video about an opossum playing dead:

Thanks to Elmwood Zoo and Easy Science for Kids (http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-opossums/) for all of the great information here.