Who We Are

The ATEMS Robotics Team is a student-led organization at the Academy of Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science.  ATEMS is a STEM Academy in Abilene, TX. Our team is the only Abilene ISD-funded robotics team. We train students of all grades and skill levels to apply STEM concepts and the Engineering Process to Robotics. Every year, our team recruits around 45- 50 students who dedicate several hours of their week to robotics. During the school year, we are constantly preparing for our competitions.

Our goal is to aid students in applying STEM concepts and the Engineering Process to robotics. 


ATEMS participates in the VEX and TSA VEX robotics competitions. The VEX competition involves building a robot to compete with a partner against an opposing alliance. Our team has earned numerous awards and recognition in these competitions.

How You Can Help

The ATEMS Robotics Team only receives a small amount of funding through our school budget, but our supplies still need refurbishing.  We would love for you to partner with us so that we can have a successful year in robotics!  Click here to sponsor our team. Any donation will help. We spend our donations on maintaining equipment, travel costs, advertisement, and competition entry fees.

Want to start a VEX Team?

ATEMS Robotics would love to share our experience and knowledge. If you would like to start a VEX Robotics team--especially if you are in the Big Country area. Please contact us, we would love to help.


Join Our Team