Match Support Contacts
Mentor Match Support Contact (MSC) Calls
This is your opportunity to speak with your Match Support Specialist (MSS) and see how things are going with your mentee. You will be asked a few prepared questions related to different aspects of the mentoring relationship and also updated with program activities and any outstanding items. This is also your opportunity to share with your Match Support Specialist what is working well and what isn’t working. This is a great time to address any problems/concerns/issues you may have.
Most of these calls range from 10-20 minutes with an average of about 15 minutes for most calls. If you have been matched for less than 1 year, expect a call every 1-2 months, otherwise expect a quarterly call. Please don’t wait for us to contact you if there is any pressing need, let’s address any concern as soon as possible.
At times (typically around holiday seasons) you may also receive a Match Support Call as a Google Form survey - however, this method can only be used rarely by MSS staff due to safety standards. If you complete this survey and still would like a phone call from your Match Support Specialist - please let your MSS know.
Safety is of utmost importance when working with youth. Please respond to your MSS in a timely fashion for these calls to avoid having to close a match prematurely.