Coaching Tips

§ Write to your mentee every week.

· Set up a reminder in your calendar and write to them.

· It doesn’t have to be long – a simple greeting will do – even a meme. Just something to let them know that you are there in their corner no matter what.

§ RSVP “Yes” to any event or pair meeting you know you can make.

· Do not wait for them to RSVP

· If they don’t RSVP Yes, and you do– we will not be expecting you to show up and that is perfectly fine, you have done your part.

· The goal for each mentoring pair is one meet up a month.

§ Treat pair events/meetings with respect and care.

· Please don’t cancel last minute; unless completely necessary, and without plans to make up the meeting.

· Your mentee may be counting on this meeting as one of the only times where they have undivided attention and support from a caring adult.

Additional Guidance

  1. Lesson prompts are only guides that serve to provide structure. However, let's be flexible to the individual needs the student. We suggest meeting them where they are at in the topics they are ready to talk about and then gently stretch their comfort zone with a question or prompt that moves them along in the direction of the Lesson. Feel free to go off topic for any and all lessons if it will help in developing and growing your relationship with your student to better put you in a position to help them along their way.

  1. Usually the student is prompted to write first - however; life happens, a traumatic event may have occurred, they forget, they are distracted by friends, or they missed class that day. We still suggest writing to your mentee each week, even if its just a simple greeting. This lets them know that you are invested in them and that you care. This may be challenging and discouraging for some mentors if this is a constant occurrence and that is ok to feel that way . Please reach out to your Match Support Specialist if you are struggling to establish communication with your student.

  1. New Mentors especially - Limitations of the platform and the amount of time students are in mentor2.0 class weekly makes establishing a quick connection very challenging. Please be patient with the platform, with your mentee, and especially with yourself.