What does Eduaide.Ai offer?

Eduaide.Ai offers teachers the ability to generate desired content for use in planning, instructing, assessing, and administrating. By identifying subject area and grade level, and providing topics and keywords, teachers can leverage large language models to produce adaptable and usable resources. 

Teachers and administrators can save their resources for further access and modification. While access is free, there are limits to how many resources can be produced, and how many generations are available. 

By upgrading to Eduaide Pro, teachers increase the resources they can produce, access unlimited generations, access chat and additional resources, and more. 

Thomas Thompson

The embedded video is a demo that Thomas Thompson, co-founder of Eduaide.Ai, recorded as part of the "Week of AI" series promoted by Amanda Fox. In the video he addresses how to use the tool, and emphasizes that its purpose is to aid and assist rather than replace the instructional design expertise of teachers.

The Pricing Model

Users Have a Few Options

Option 1: Teachers can obtain limited access by creating their own free accounts.

Option 2: Upgrading to Eduaide.Ai Pro for $5.99USD ensures access to a list of additional resources and tools.

Option 3: Schools and Districts are invited to contact Eduaide.Ai and explore "custom discounted pricing" for access to the tool. This removes the need for individual teachers to create accounts and potentially pay for access to Pro.