
An Analyst Report

A content generator for teachers


Artificial Intelligence has seemingly exploded onto the scene. Though not entirely new, recent days have seen it enter into the world of the average internet user. As ChatGPT and similar AI mediums have become readily accessible, people of all backgrounds have been called upon to consider the impact on and the future of many fields. For the digital entrepreneur, AI is an incredible opportunity as it opens the door to many applications.  In the education world, however, the rise of AI caused concern, bordering on panic, as many educators initially felt that the sky was falling and that they'd never again be able to truly assess student compositions. 

Thankfully, the initial panic seems to have subsided and in the field of education, we have begun to reframe and reconsider what AI means. Rather than banning, schools such as the one I work at have engaged in the discussion about how to harness the power of AI, educate our students as users, and adapt rather than lose focus.

The next natural step was to begin engaging in discussion about how educators can use AI rather than fight it, and embrace the potential for it to make us more effective. In PD sessions at our school, teachers sought out AI tools that aid in their work, shorten prep times, and ultimately make them more efficient. When companies began to emerge that utilized AI to craft educational materials, many were on board and wanted to learn about them. Educators and administrators would be, frankly, remiss in choosing not to educate themselves in this field, and to make decisions for schools, districts, and teachers about how AI fits into future policies and plans.

Eduaide.Ai is a company that entered the scene in 2023 and began to provide a tool for educators to use. This Analyst Report examines the available information about Eduaide.Ai and considers it in light of potential investment.

What is Eduaide.Ai?

EduAide.Ai is an up-and-coming company, founded in 2023, and listed on LinkedIn as a company with 2-10 employees. As a teacher, it is a fascinating tool advertised as enabling teachers to "claim time back for themselves." For a potential investor, EduAide.Ai is in its early days with the potential to grow and seek capital investment.

Harnessing AI

Rather than fearing what AI means for the classroom, EduAide.Ai uses AI to transform the planning, assessing and administration that teachers are responsible for.

A Grassroots Endeavor

Eduaide.Ai presents itself as a company, as a tool, that was created by the very people who they target as users - teachers. Their mission is to utilize AI to shape the teaching profession into a sustainable career for teachers by harnessing large language models in resource creation. This report will look at what Eduaide.Ai offers, who makes up the team, the advisory board, and the potential of this venture.