Go Guardian is a device management system and an important tool in supporting online learning. It allows the teacher to push online resources to students, monitor usage, restrict browsing, and private chat with students who need help.

For it to function properly, students must be using the Chrome browser and must be signed in with their myabcusd.org account. If Chrome is not already installed on your child's device, click on the link to download Chrome. All other users must be signed out. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my login and password for __________?

Click on the red button for login and password information for all online resources. Whenever a Google + button is available for sign in, use it. Otherwise, formats for login names and passwords vary from site to site and can be viewed in this document. 

I double checked the password/login document, but I still can't get in. What should I do? 

1. Did you type in "yyyymmdd" as your password? If you typed these exact letters in, you need to type in the numbers representing your child's birth date. For example, if your child was born on February 5, 2010, you would type in: 20100205.

2. Did you press the Google + button? Easy Google sign-in is used whenever available. Instead of entering in a login name and password, just click on the Google + button. 

How much academic support will parents need to provide their children? 

Parents and caregivers want their 6th graders to succeed in school – to be engaged and excited about learning; to build strong relationships with their teachers and peers; and to learn each year the knowledge and skills they need to be successful academically. Stu­dents whose par­ents stay involved in school have bet­ter atten­dance and behav­ior, get bet­ter grades, demon­strate bet­ter social skills and adapt bet­ter to school. Parental involve­ment also more secure­ly sets these stu­dents up to devel­op a life­long love of learn­ing, which researchers say is key to long-term success. The importance of family involvement in education is clear, and the benefits profound. Check your scholar's agenda daily, be sure to sign their grade tracker at the end of each school week, and regularly check our class assignment tracker. 

How is 6th grade different than 5th grade? 

The biggest change is independence. Students in 6th grade are expected to be more independent. They enter middle school and teachers begin to treat them as young adults. They are expected to take responsibility for their actions. The are expected to follow their routines and complete their tasks without anyone pushing them or reminding them constantly. These are big changes and some adapt to it quicker than others. A gradual release of responsibility is the best way to get students to accept this change quickly. While 6th grade is still considered elementary in ABCUSD, our curriculum is from the same publishers, but the middle school version of the curriculum, with the exception of STEMscopes for science. 

In 6th grade, the main subjects covered include:

Do you need anything for the classroom? 

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to support a classroom. I am always extremely grateful for any contribution families make to our classroom learning environment. While doing virtual learning, I often times go to Teachers Pay Teachers to find engaging, rigorous, and Common Core aligned digital content. If you would like to contribute to our TPT class fund, that would be absolutely amazing.

If and when we return to on-campus learning, students would benefit from supplies and materials, such as those listed in my Amazon wishlist. Please write me a note to let me know you purchased it so I know who to thank! 

Where can I view my child's progress report and/or report card? 

Click on the link to the left. Login and password information is set up by parents. If you are unable to get in, please contact the ABCUSD Technology Hotline at 562-229-7929.

When is winter break? Do we have Veteran's Day off? 

The academic school year calendar remains the same. Click on the link to view trimester start and end dates, as well as holidays and student-free days. 

Room 404 Recommended Student Supply List

2020 Mrs. Mitchell 5th Grade Supply List