ABC school policies: Introduction
These key policies are shared with parents to describe in detail the approach we take to key issues. In some cases, policies vary between the Primary and Secondary Schools to reflect the age-related requirements and the structure of the education provided at different stages of a child's development. Policies are reviewed on a regular basis.
List of policies
What is a 'policy'?
The meaning of a 'policy' varies from organisation to organisation.
At the ABC we interpret policy' to mean guidance on the parameters of our work. They describe the ways that students, parents, staff and all members of our community can expect to be treated. They describe what we always do, and what we never do. They describe the way things should happen in terms of the broad principles that guide our actions. They provide a compass, helping us to navigate individual situations while remaining true to our values.
Policies are not procedural documents. Procedures may change from moment to moment depending on the changing circumstances. Procedures that staff must follow are laid out in the various staff handbooks, which provide detailed guidance for teachers, assistants, coaches and others to follow.