How to...

Once you have assembled a product (with your teachers help ) you will have to complete orthographic drawings.

Learn how to set up an orthographic drawing on Inventor

Adding Basic Views

1_Adding Basic Views.mp4

Centre Lines and Dimension

2_Centre Lines and Dimensions.mp4


3_View Labels and Annotations.mp4

The rules of an orthographic drawing

Ortho Drawing..pdf

How to show how all the parts fit together

7_Exploded Views.mp4

Try following the below videos to make your own Mario poster and get used to Photoshop!

Mario - Clouds and Sky.mp4
Mario - Hills and Stuff.mp4
Mario - ground.mp4
Mario - final draft.mp4

Some information on using Photoshop and In-Design

How to - Drop Shadow etc.mp4
How to - Cut out an Image.mp4
How to - Colour Cut Out.mp4