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This is the certificate for the Silver Award which we achieved prior to the Easter holidays in 2018.

During the S1-3 Internet Safety Week, computing classes created posters which linked responsibilities online with children's rights.

After the whole school forum, the RRS created a new whole school charter which was presented at school assemblies. We also used assemblies as an opportunity to educate everyone on the importance of the school charter and to inform them about upcoming events.

Here we are hosting our whole school forum . Two representatives from each tutorial class participated in our whole school pupil forum where we discussed the UN Rights of the Child and created a new school charter.

Here are some members of the RRS at the Cults Academy Christmas Gift Fair with Miss O'Donnell and Mrs Mann

Here are Miss O'Donnell and Mrs Mann talking about Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group at a Staff Assembly.

This is a junior class working with the UNICEF launchpads

All PLP classes have been discussing children's rights through activities created by the RRS Steering Group. These have been designed to help educate pupils and to give them a deeper understanding of their rights.

This is our steering group planning our Silver award events. Groups have been formed within the steering group to allow each member to participate and focus on the different aspects of the award.

Here are the Rights Respecting Schools steering group at their first meeting, working towards our bronze award.