Transition Timeline

We are looking forward to you starting at Cults Academy in August 2024. Before August, and to help your transition into Cults Academy we have a few things planned for you.

Present and ongoing - Small group meetings with youth worker and DHT Ms Stanton

February - Active Schools Coordinator, DHT Mrs Stanton and Cults Academy Sports Leaders to visit primary schools to discuss the sport opportunities available at Cults Academy

March - ASG schools participate in sports, orienteering and DYW events

April - STEM day held at Cults Academy for all P7s from AGS schools

May - Final enhanced transition meetings

May - Class lists shared with ASG Primary Schools, DHT Mrs Stanton and PT Pupil Support Teachers to visit the primary schools

June - Electronic information pack sent to parents

3rd June - P7 Parents Information Evening hosted at Cults Academy

6/7th June - Induction days at Cults Academy for all P7s (new S1's)