Supporting you

We are here, for you

Moving into secondary school is a big step in everyone's life. It is an exciting time but it is normal to be a bit nervous about it! Our staff are here to make you feel welcome, safe and supported in your new school. This page explores the range of people who are available to support you during your time at Cults Academy. 

Our Pupil Support (Pastoral) Team

When pupils enrol at Cults Academy they are allocated a House and a Tutor Group. From August 2024, there will be seven houses – Blairs, Cairn, Devenick, Friarsfield, Hillview, Murtle and Ronan. Cults Academy operates a vertical tutor group system which means that, where possible, siblings from the same family are allocated to the same House and often the same Tutor Group throughout their time at Cults Academy.

Each of the seven Principal Teachers of Pupil Support are responsible for all forms of pastoral care and liaise closely with House Tutors and the Depute Head Teacher for each House. This system has been set up to ensure that each pupil is known as an individual, has his/her needs uniquely met and feels valued.

Our Pupil Support (Curriculum) Team

Any pupil, at any time, may need extra help with their education for a variety of reasons. At Cults Academy we have a dedicated team of teachers and support staff (Pupil Support Assistants) who work alongside class teachers in supporting learning and teaching activities.

Some pupils may have identified Additional Support Needs. Every opportunity is taken to establish the nature and extent of a pupil’s needs as soon as possible; close liaison with our Associated Primaries means that information is shared at transition and is available before pupils join us in August. 

Our aim is to strive towards a truly inclusive education but at times, some pupils may require more intensive tuition to support their learning needs and this is provided in the SfL department. PT Pupil Support Curriculum liaises closely with external agencies such as the Pupil Support Service, Educational Psychologists, English as an Additional Language, specialists and Speech Therapists in every effort to meet the needs of all pupils.