S1/2 Art & Design

Art & Design: S1

Course Content

Learners will develop their knowledge of art and design practice. They will be given the opportunity to experience a range of practical media handling skills in both expressive and design contexts.

The units that S1 pupils will cover are:

  • The Visual Elements – Exploring the basic elements that are used to create a piece of art work. This unit allows pupils to learn art vocabulary and to identify how to create Line, Tone, Colour, Shape, Form, Pattern, Texture, Scale within their artwork.

  • 2D Design – Graphics unit looking at packaging, logo, or poster design

  • 3D Sculpture – Explore the ceramic process including glazing and firing clay resulting in the creation of an imaginative piece.

  • Critical Writing – Focused on a particular Art and/or Design Movement such as Cubism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau/Art Deco. This will involve exploring the life of a specific artist/designer, and producing evaluations of their work including a personal opinion.


Pupil work is continually assessed throughout the year and feedback given on a lesson to lesson basis. The class teacher will spend time discussing successes within the work and will highlight areas for improvements on a one to one basis with pupils. Exemplars from the class teacher and from other pupils are used to illustrate the success criteria for each outcome. Pupils will also use self/peer evaluation for each unit of work to strengthen their critical vocabulary.

Click the link at the bottom of the page to see a gallery of pupil work from the S1 Art & Design course.

S2 Art & Design

Course Content

Learners will continue to develop their knowledge of art and design practice. They will be given the opportunity to experience a range of practical media handling skills in both expressive and design contexts.

The units that S2 pupils will cover are:

§ Printmaking – This may include more than one style such as Polystyrene, lino, monoprint and etching etc

§ Drawing and Painting – Different themes will be explored during this unit which may include still life, architecture, landscape, mixed media, shape and form. This builds upon the visual elements which pupils studied in S1.

§ 2D Design – Graphics unit looking at packaging, logo or poster design

§ Critical Writing – Focused on a particular Art and/or Design Movement such as Cubism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau/Art Deco. This will involve exploring the life of a specific artist/designer, and producing evaluations of their work including a personal opinion.


Pupil work is continually assessed throughout the year and feedback given on a lesson to lesson basis. The class teacher will spend time discussing successes within the work and will highlight areas for improvements on a one to one basis with pupils. Exemplars from the class teacher and from other pupils are used to illustrate the success criteria for each outcome. Pupils will also use self/peer evaluation for each unit of work to strengthen their critical vocabulary.

Click the link below to see a gallery of pupil work from the S2 Art & Design course.