H Photography

Course Info


Course Content

Learners will develop their understanding of the fundamental technical and compositions skill processes of using a digital SLR camera, lenses, lighting and other technical camera equipment.

Through written work, discussion and co-operative learning opportunities, their will develop their analytical, written and evaluative skills.

Learners will become confident in the ‘after effect’ process of photography, using Photoshop as a tool in enhancing their photographic imagery.

Professional photographers will be invited to give talks and run workshops with learners, sharing their knowledge and understanding of creative photography.

Through written and discussion work will communicate personal thoughts, feelings and ideas using photography, and develop knowledge and understanding of a range of photography practice. Learners will develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking and reflective practices. They will research and study photographers who inspire them and analyse the impact of social and cultural influences on photographers and their work. Learners will continue to be encouraged to search for and research the work of other inspirational photographers which will inspire their folio work continually throughout the year.

Learners will learn how to respond to multiple choice and essay exam style questions aimed at testing their knowledge and understanding of the creative and technical processes learned throughout the year.


The course is assessed in two sections. A folio which consists of a large body of work based on the pupils chosen theme and area of study which the pupils starts in October and a formal exam.

Folio (100 marks) – Pupils will plan, develop, produce and present personal creative photographic work using a range of photographic media, techniques and processes. They will plan and execute each photo shoot, annotate, analyse and develop their folio over 10 photographic sessions.

Exam (30 marks) – This is made up of multiple choice questions and discursive essay style questions which covers the pupils’ knowledge of technical and creative camera techniques learned in class to-date.