Wellbeing Support

Fit Like? Aberdeen Family Wellbeing Service

The ASN & Outreach Service's Wellbeing Team work as part of Fit Like? Aberdeen's Family Wellbeing Service.

The Fit Like? Aberdeen Team have a FaceBook page, which contains information for families.

They also have a Twitter feed.

Parents, Carers and Families can self-refer and seek further information by contacting FitLikeHubs@aberdeencity.gov.uk directly.

Children 1st

Children 1st are Fit Like? Aberdeen's primary 3rd sector (charity) partner.

Their Parent Line is available to parents, carers and families via phone and webchat seven days per week.

They can provide non-judgemental help about various things, including stress management, money worries, and family issues.

This includes help for families supporting a child/children with an additional support need / a neurodiversity.