Documents and Policies

Aberdeen City Council Accessibility Strategy 2020-2023

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

A copy of our policy is available here.

In summary:

The Child Protection Coordinator for Aberdeen School for the Deaf and ASN & Outreach Service is Sam Muldoon (Depute Head Teacher) and the Deputy Child Protection Coordinator is Craig McDermott (Head Teacher).

The Child Protection Coordinator for ELC Links is Lara Macrae (Centre Manager) and the Deputy Child Protection Coordinator is Vicky Lawton (Senior EYP).

Child Protection is everyone's responsibility.  If a member of the public has a concern about the safety and welfare of a child/young person, it should be reported without delay:

Joint Child Protection Team (JCPT) 0800 731 5520

Emergency Out of Hours Social Work 0800 731 5520

Police Scotland 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency)

Communication Policy (Aberdeen School for the Deaf/Hearing Support)

Parents' and Carers' Group Charter

Request for Assistance Process

Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan (SQuIP)

Workshop to Raise Awareness of PREVENT (WRAP)

Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a legal obligation on specified authorities to pay due regard to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.

All staff in the ASN & Outreach Service are fully committed to the National PREVENT Strategy, and are aware of the Single Point of Contact (SPoC) who has responsibility for dealing with all PREVENT concerns relating to the potential radicalisation of vulnerable children, young people and their families.  

All staff in the ASN & Outreach Service have undertaken WRAP training (or do so within 12 weeks' of commencement of employment) and are aware who the WRAP Facilitator within the service is.  All staff have an appropriate awareness of signs of potential radicalisation enabling them to keep an effective watching brief on children and young people.  Staff make full use of WRAP training to empower children and young people minimise risk of radicalisation.

The WRAP Facilitator for the ASN & Outreach Service is Craig McDermott (Head Teacher).