Parents, Carers & Families

Useful Information

The Useful Links section of the website contains links to Aberdeen City, 3rd Sector, and National groups - each of their sites contain a wealth of information for parents, carers and families.  This includes Enquire, Govan Law Centre, SACRO ASN Mediation, and the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Ltd.

There's a lot of information out there and we recognise this can be daunting.  If you are still not sure where to find what you are looking for, please contact your child's school or the ASN & Outreach Service so we can do our best to advise and direct.

Are you worried about your child's sleep?

2023-10-03 Sleep Charity Parents' Flyer.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an additional support need (or ASN)?

A: In Scotland, this is defined in law.  Enquire have a helpful Key Facts Leaflet that explains what an additional support need is and what this might mean for learning in school.

Q: I think my child has an additional support need.  What do I do?

A: Contact your child's school in the first instance and ask to speak with a member of staff who knows your child well i.e. Class Teacher, Guidance Teacher, Year Head.  Make some notes before you call so you have all the information you need to hand: Enquire have a helpful guide, "Talking to Your Child's School", which will help you gather information.  Although this is about Dyslexia, the prompts can apply to many different circumstances.  This will help discussion with the school so next steps can be identified.

Q: I am worried my voice is not being heard.  What can I do?

A: If possible, be open and honest with your key contact(s) to see if further discussion can take place.  Similarly, ask to speak with the school's Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  If you are still not satisfied with the response, you have a number of options:

The ASN & Outreach Service's Parents' and Carers' Group

Like most schools have a Parent Council, the Service has a Parents' and Carers' Group, which was established in early 2022.  The group comprises of volunteer parent/carer representatives who meet (approximately) every 6-weeks with members of the Senior Leadership Team and the Service's partners.  Members devised the Group's Charter, which outlines its aims and particulars.

UPDATE: 17th June - Please note this session has had to be cancelled. We are reviewing our Parents' and Carers' Group and will be in touch in the new school year.

ASN & Outreach Service P&C Group Calendar 2023-2024.pdf

A member of the Group also attends the Aberdeen Parent Council Forum (APCF) on a rota basis.

APCF works in partnership with Parent Councils, Schools, Aberdeen City Council and The National Parent Forum of Scotland.

Jargon Buster

Like any industry, professionals might use technical language as a force of habit without being aware of it.  If you are unsure, please just ask.  Here are some common terms/acronyms used in education (click the links to find out more):

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ASC - Autistic Spectrum Condition (also referred to as ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder)

ASL - Additional Support for Learning

ASN - Additional Support Need

BSL - British Sign Language

CfE - Curriculum for Excellence

CSP - Coordinated Support Plan

DHT - Depute Head Teacher

EAL - English as an Additional Language

ELC - Early Learning and Childcare (formally referred to as Nursery and sometimes (ante) pre-school)

GIRFEC - Getting It Right For Every Child

IEP - Individualised Education Programme

MAM - Multi Agency Meeting (sometimes called MAAPM - Multi Agency Action Planning Meeting)

PTG - Principal Teacher of Guidance (secondary schools only, same as a PTPS)

PTPS - Principal Teacher of Pupil Support (secondary schools only, same as a PTG)

QIM - Quality Improvement Manager

QIO - Quality Improvement Officer

SaLT - Speech and Language Therapy

SDS - Skills Development Scotland (Scotland's Careers Service) OR Self Directed Support

SfL - Support for Learning

SHANARRI - The Wellbeing Indicators (also see GIRFEC): Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Responsible, Respectful, Included

Aberdeen City Council's Support for Families Pack

ACC Support for Families (2022).pdf

Families can self-refer for money and benefits advice:

Aberdeen City Council 'Cost of Living Crisis' Advice Hub

Stronger Families

2023-09 Stronger Families Series Programme 23-24 V1.pdf

Wider Sources of Financial Support for Families


Aberdeen City Council Education Service Parents' and Carers' Newsletters:

Aberdeen Learns

Can Poster A4.pdf