Leadership (Sports)

NPA Level 5 or 6

Course Overview

Within this course the main area of study is developing your leadership through a sporting perspective. The course is made up of 2 units:

-An Introduction to Leadership

-Leadership in practice

The introduction to leadership is made up of different leadership styles and includes you researching leaders from around the world and comparing your leadership to others. The leadership in practice develops your knowledge on planning, leading and reviewing an event with a sport element included. You will lead in some area of the event and this has historically been the P7 transition events and where possible leading parts of PE sessions with younger pupils in the school. 

This course has a practical element where you will be learning different activities that you can lead on and the changes you may have to make as a leader. This course is focused on developing your leadership qualities and not focused on developing your physical skills.

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr I Stanger

Assessment Methods

This course is internally assessed on an ongoing basis. Assessment of the units will involve a range of approaches from practical task observations, short response questions, investigative projects and extended written essays.

Homework will be issued on a regular basis to support and prepare the candidates for the unit assessments.

Entry Requirements

This National Progression Award is suitable for a wide range of candidates. Candidates must have a strong interest in Sport and fitness, as well as developing their leadership skills.

Recommended Next Steps in S6

Higher Physical Education may be an option if students can demonstrate Higehr level performance in 2 activities. 

Excercise and Fitness Leadership

Find out more about related careers or further study

UCAS connects people to University, post Uni studies including teacher training, apprenticeships & internships. 

Find all the information for your next steps by using the search tool. This will allow you to research UK university courses related to your interests

NESCOL is our local college and offers a wide range of courses. 

Find out more about courses available by using their A-Z course search page. 

My World of Work is an all age service, designed to help build your career management skills and discover what careers match your skills, interests, education and experience. Pupils will have used this website throughout school. 

We recommend you take a look at the Explore Careers section to help you research careers. 

Planit Plus is a website that provides information on careers, learning and school subjects. This resource has been designed to support Scottish Secondary School pupils. 

We recommend you take a look at the Career Progression Posters for ideas.

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