Resources for Children, Young People & Families

Aberdeen City Libraries have collated a range of websites and activities for all age groups to entertain, enthuse a love of reading, learn new skills and to keep you informed during these difficult times.

Virtual Library Resources

As some of our library buildings are still closed you can still borrow ebooks and eaudio books or check our news page for a list of libraries that are now open. Other libraries and museums also have a wealth of online resources to explore. Investigate what's available below!

eBooks and eAudioBooks

1000s of titles area available to borrow to read on your phone, device or laptop for all ages visit the following

Borrowbox allows you to browse, borrow and download eBooks and eAudiobooks from the comfort of your own home or when you are out and about.

Online Resources

Library members can access a number of online resources that we subscribe to. These services are available for free 24 hours a day from home, or from the library computers during normal opening hours. All you need is your library membership card number and your PIN. Some of these are highlighted below by age group or to view the full range then visit Online Resources Page

Early Years 0-7

Busy Things is a wonderful, quirky online educational resource for children aged 3 to 6. Filled with fun, humorous characters and lively colourful settings, children will love playing these cheerful educational games.

Grid Club is a children's website offering educational resources, games, quizzes and activities based round curricular areas. Aimed mainly at 7 to 11 year olds, there are also some activities for 5 to 7s and 11 and over.

Children 8+

Grid Club is a children's website offering educational resources, games, quizzes and activities based round curricular areas. Aimed mainly at 7 to 11 year olds, there are also some activities for 5 to 7s and 11 and over.

Britannica Online (Junior Edition) Articles, news items, images and videos on a wide variety of topics for primary age children.

Young People 12+

Britannica Online (Student Edition) is aimed at 12 to 18 year olds.

Issues Online provides a safe, reliable place to explore today's most important social issues.

SCRAN is an award-winning learning website with over 360,000 images, videos and sounds from museums, galleries and archives. It covers a wide range of subjects including local history, architecture, fashion and much more.

Interesting websites

Hear from your favourite authors, stories to listen to , drawing tutorials and much more.....

We'll update and add to this on a regular basis so keep checking back.

Book Trust Home Time

BBC/SBT Author's Live

David Walliams

Liz Pichon

Scots language resources

Steven Lenton

Tom Palmer

Word Waves

Information Resources - Parents & Carers

Recommend Reads

We need your help to produce content for this site and for our main website- we would love to receive your book reviews and recommendations to share with other young people. Or send us a picture of your favourite book character and we will showcase them below. Just email us on


You can join Aberdeen City Libraries by visiting our website. You can join from birth, although those under the age of 16 years will need permission from a parent or carer . You will be given a temporary membership number (valid for 90 days) and a 4 digit PIN that can be used instantly to access our online catalogue and online resources such as BorrowBox (eBooks & eAudiobooks) and Pressreader (newspapers and magazines).