9-29-2017 Article: School Principal, Zombie Apocalypse

Article: School Principal -You read your second article. You had it read to you, then you discussed annotations, practiced the skill for 15 minutes. We will continue to work on this Monday, Oct. 2. Do not complete at home, we will work on this in class.

9-28-2017: Climate Regions

Read the booklet Climate Regions and complete the Cornell Notes. Keep in folder.

9-27-2017 Article of the Week (AoW)

Kicked off AoW (Article of the Week).You stapled the direction sheet for AoW in the front cover of your GEO notebook. Remember we will work through the first AoW, it has not been officially assigned.

You read your first article: Swiss Burger, you had it read to you, then we discussed annotations, practiced the skill for 15 minutes. We will continue to work on this Monday, Oct. 2. Do not complete at home, we will work on this in class.

9-26-2017: Landforms, Map My Neighborhood

Finish up our Pictorial glossary of landforms for the back of our GEO notebook. Complete the mapping activity using google maps. Landform Pictorial glossary will be check Monday, Oct. 2, Map My Neighborhood is due Thursday, Oct. 28th.

9/25/2017: Landform Pictorial Glossary

Using the provided Landform paper you will use the classroom set of GEO textbooks to complete this activity. You will cut out all terms, then draw the landform, on the inside please define the term. These will then be glued into the BACK of the notebook.

9/22/2017: May My Neighborhood

Using google maps, track your way to school. You are completing a mapping activity in class today. It’s not due until Wed. I will go over it on Monday with students. Put in your street address, click on the walking figure, enter Einstein Middle School 324 East Florida Ave, Appleton, WI Then map it out on the graph paper, you may use notepaper for rough drafts. You need to sketch out street lights, stop signs, parks, major buildings (churches, etc). You have 6 questions they need to answer on the back of the direction paper. Due Wed. 9/27-2017

9/12-20/2017: 5 Themes NFL Poster Project

You will choose your favorite NFL team, or be assigned a city of an NFL team. (There can’t be more than two of the same teams per class) Make a poster about the location that you have been assigned showing the Five Themes of Geography. You may cut out pictures, illustrate them yourself, or use actual photographs. Each theme should have a paragraph/bullet section with information. Time will be provided in class to work on research and poster completion. Printing of any pictures would need to be done at home. Note packet and explanation can be printed using the link: 5 Themes of Geography Poster Project NFL Football Style

Due Dates

Introduction to Project/Rubric Explanation: 9-12-17

In-Class Work Sessions on Project: 9-12-17 thru 9-20-17

PROJECT DUE Thursday 9-21-17 due date extended

9-11-2017: 9/11 Interview

Using the Remembering 9/11 note sheet provided please interview someone who remembers their 9/11 experience. Take notes and write a paragraph using the information, may be typed or handwritten. Due: 9-14-2017

9-8-2017: MR. HELP

MR. HELP: completed a note sheet using Movement, Region, Human & Environmental Interactions, Location and Place

9-7-2017: Map Quiz, MR. HELP

Map Quiz: took a quick quiz (not worth points) to assess our understanding of where oceans and continents are located

MR. HELP: completing a note sheet using Movement, Region, Human & Environmental Interactions, Location and Place

9-6-2017: Labeled supplies; Geo Syllabus, 1st Quarter Postcard

Geo Syllabus

1st Quarter Postcard, due Friday, 9-8-11

9-5-2017: People Bingo, Materials

We got to know one another in class by playing a game of people bingo. We also went over expected materials needed for class: notebook, folder, assignment notebook, writing utensil.