

I am doing trash pollution. Since the coronavirus I couldn’t go outside to clean up trash. Yesterday, Ms. Bartels shared a video with me about a woman who has a zero waste life. I thought about it and I realized that I could try to do the same thing! Now I couldn’t lead a 100% zero waste life but I know I could make some changes. I went through all the rooms in my house and found things that can be replaced by organic and more eco friendly things. Instead of buying plastic tubes with soap, I searched on the internet and found a way to make soap out of banana peels. Since the start of PYPX I have been collecting plastic bottle caps so that then I could send them to the recycling place. My family orders water in big plastic containers but we return them to the company so that the containers can be used again and again.


Action - factories, trash and pollution

This was a possible plan during quarantine:

1. Write letter to the people who work with laws and regulation to learn more about how they work.

2. Write letter to a factory nearby to see how they think about sustainability and pollution.

3. Bring my own bags when we go shopping, which we do.

4. Make a YouTube video or TikTok about shopping less new things and instead buy second hand or at an auction or reuse what we have at home.

5. Recycle things we throw. You can read more about this one on my site.


for my Action I will write a letter to the government oversight organizations in America asking to do a investigation into planned obsolescence and to make a goal of to make another law that produces have to have a longer life span and hopefully that will help stop planned obsolescence.