Middle School

Our Middle School educational program is guided by our mission to engage, support, and prepare each student for today and tomorrow.

The "middle years" are a journey of significant emotional, social, physical and intellectual growth. This journey is truly exciting (complex, fun, frustrating, enriching and wondrous) and follows many different paths. It is important to turn bumpy paths into learning opportunities and to celebrate when we reach scenic lookouts. With this in mind, we hope our students engage and explore while learning new skills, honing strengths, and striving to be confident, happy and caring citizens. Our understandings are an extension of our experiences in international schools and AAS’ history of providing quality education.

At AAS, the Middle School comprises grades 6, 7 and 8. The Middle School at AAS look to provide an environment that is inviting, supporting and safe allowing for high expectations for every member of our learning community. Additionally, we respond to and provide for the unique developmental needs of middle school students with a rigorous yet supportive program of studies.

Middle School is a time of significant emotional, social, physical and intellectual growth. At the Anglo-American School, we see this journey as a time to further develop academic and personal skills as well as a time of discovery.

Middle School students at AAS participate in a variety of classes including language arts, math, science, social studies, physical education, world language and a vast number of electives.

"We are what we do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."


Grade 6

All grade 6 students are enrolled in the following courses:

  • Full Year Courses - Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, Physical Education, World Language or English Additional Language (EAL), Life Skills (A combination of ICT: Information and Communication Technology; PSHE: Personal Social Health Education; and Academic Coaching).
  • Trimester Courses - Visual Arts, Music and Theatre.

Grade 7 & 8

All grade 7 and 8 students are enrolled in the following courses:

  • Full Year Courses - Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, Physical Education, World Language or English Additional Language (EAL)
  • Trimester Courses – Art, Music, Theatre and PSHE. Grade 7 and 8 students also choose (in conjunction with parental input) three trimester elective courses, such as Robotics; 3D Printing; Electronics, Leadership and Service; Band and Choir; Hands on Green Stuff (HOGS); Bulgarian Mother Tongue; Mindfully Fit; and Video Production