Season 2
Season 2 Sign Up
Complete once per season
Complete once per school year*
Sports Physical
Complete once per school year
*Scholarships are available to cover the Pay to Participate fee for families in need. We do not want the pay to participate fee to prevent anyone from signing up for sports. Email for more info
6/7/8th Grade Women's basketball
Josh Tumolo
Head Coach
7/8th Grade Women's Basketball Team Info
Practice starts Nov 4th, from 3:30-4:30. Regular practices begin Nov 4 and run 3:30-4:30 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays.
We will have bus transportation to away games, but no bus returning to STEAM. Athletes will need to be picked up after away games. Please be prompt in picking up athletes after practices and games.
7/8WB Schedule
1) A2STEAM vs Forsythe Monday November 18th 4:30pm
2) A2STEAM vs Scarlett Wednesday November 20th 4:30pm
3) A2STEAM @Tappan Tuesday December 3rd 4:30pm
4) A2STEAM @ Clague Monday December 9th 4:30pm
5) A2STEAM vs. Slauson Wednesday December 11th 4:30pm
Game Schedule
6) A2STEAM vs Forsythe Thursday December 16th 4:30pm
7) A2STEAM vs. Clague Wednesday January 8th 4:30pm
8) A2STEAM vs Tappan Monday January 13th 4:30pm
9) A2STEAM @ Scarlett Wednesday January 15th 4:30pm
10) A2STEAM @ Slauson Friday January 17th 4:30pm
6th Grade Women's Basketball
Josh Tumolo
Jeanie Wilson
Head Coach
6th Grade Women's Basketball Team Info.
Our 6th graders have an awesome opportunity to practice and an opportunity to play some games with our 7/8 grade team this season. Please refer to the 7/8 grade information above for the schedule. Coach Josh will communicate further about the game schedule for 6th graders this season.