First Meeting Agenda


      • September 12, 2018 from 3:00 - 4:15 PM EST | 12:00 - 1:15 PM PDT



      • Coline Dony, American Association of Geographers
      • Sergio Rey, University of California, Riverside
      • Laura Tateosian, North Carolina State University
      • Atsushi Nara, San Diego State University
      • Eric Delmelle, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
      • Giuseppe Amatulli, Yale University
      • Diana Sinton, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science


      • 5 min. - Welcome
      • 15 min. - Introductions
      • 5 min. - Introduce AAG's Encoding Geography Initiative
      • 5 min. - NCRGE's "Transformative Research in Geography Education" program to support the implementation of "A Road Map For 21st Century Geography Education"
      • 5 min. - This EG-RCN will attempt to respond to questions that relate to a few Road Map recommendations:
            • "Develop instructional materials that use teaching strategies to engage all learners in meaningful explorations of geography" (Recommendation 3): How can we create a sense of inclusivity, even in technical aspects of geography?
            • "Design instructional materials to be learning tools for teachers" (Recommendation 4): How can we better support teachers?
            • "Develop and fund extensive research and evaluation in geography instructional materials and professional development" (Recommendation 8): How can we measure (1) "inclusivity" and (2) growth in geography courses teaching computational thinking skills?
      • 15 min. - Discussion on computational thinking within geography education at the college levels
            • How many college geography programs offer courses involving computational thinking? (note: improve research design initiated by the AAG)
            • How can we best identify geography programs offering courses that involve computational thinking?
            • Who can we contact to better understand departmental and institutional factors, challenges and/or barriers that led to the decision to or not to offer these courses?
            • How effective are curricular partnerships between Computer Science and Geography Departments?
            • What level of proficiency do employers in the public and private sectors expect?
      • 15 min. - Discussion on identifying challenges of diversity and inclusiveness associated with the more technical aspects of Geography
            • What are the levels of diversity and participation in these courses (students, teachers, teaching assistants)?
            • What data sources are available that can help us assess diversity and participation in geo-computational courses (student, teachers and teaching assistants)?
            • What primary data should be collected to make assessments on diversity, broadening participation, and barriers experienced by students to enroll or succeed in these courses?
      • 5 min. - Go through schedule of activities and discuss Second Meeting
      • 5 min. - Wrap-up