Clubs & Programs

Book Club 

Reading improves cognitive abilities, empathy, and reduces stress, which is why we created Book Club!  Sometimes we read the same book and sometimes we book talk what we are reading, but we always have a good time.  Our goal is to explore young adult literature and share a love of reading.  We have trivia days, reading days, and the occasional party.  If you like to read and discuss books, this is the club for you.  Book Club meets Fridays during A Block in the library. 

Get Creative @ The Design Lab 

Our Design Lab is an innovative learning space where students use the design process for hands-on experiential learning.  We offering monthly projects and challenges for students to participate in: 3D printing, button making, arts & crafts, bookmarks, legos, and so much more.  Students may visit the Desgin Lab with a pass from a classroom teacher and during our STRONG hour.  

Library Aides

Seniors who have a free period in their schedule can apply to be a Library Aide.  Students should be independent, self-directed, and respectful of the library environment.  Library Aides help create and implement Design Lab challenges, book displays, morning announcements, and Book Club trivia.  Library Aides also help maintain an organized library space and run miscellaneous library errands.