
A Provocation:

A Monarch Academy we believe in putting Kids First, which is a fundamental part of our Children's Guild culture. Our Monarch Teachers were asked HOW they would put Kids First during Distance Learning. We created this "Word Art" butterfly. Look closely, what words and actions do you think are important in online learning?

We want to hear from YOU.

πŸ’» Reflection Question 1: What are the biggest obstacles to learning from home?

πŸ’» Reflection Question 2: Is there anything that has surprised you about this new way of learning?

Central Idea: Creativity benefits from limitations.

Talk to a family member about what the central idea means. Use an organizer to help you make meaning and record your thinking in your journal πŸ“—. Make a list of the limitations to learning presented by Covid-19.

Limitation #1 A teacher is not present to keep learning on track and motivated for learning.

Google Classroom Activities week of April 27, 2020:

1. Set goals! by creating your own "Wheel of Fortune" πŸ’» , resources here. Record in your journal πŸ“—

2. Create your own thinking cap πŸ’» for when it is time to do your schoolwork. Consider using the IB Learner Profile for your cap!

3. Take a survey to help you think about "How I Learn Best" πŸ’» . Write a description of your optimal learning environment in your journal πŸ“—.

4. Join the Five by Friday challenge πŸ’» : How do we show our learner profile attributes while learning from home? Here are the ways are monarch Students came up with. Can you add more?

Limitation #2 : Too much screen time is not healthy or balanced. Many students also have to share technology and wifi among family members.

What are other ways we can learn at home away from screens?

WATCH: The Adventures of a Cardboard Box

  • Pay attention to your thinking as you view it.

  • Use your inquiry journal journal πŸ“— to capture thoughts and ideas that come from watching.

  • What did this video make you wonder?

ACTIVITY: Think like a Teacher! Think about topics you learn at school and then look around your home. What kinds of tasks could you create to teach topics like shapes, counting, states of matter, expository writing or a subject like Physical Education? Try making a Tic Tac Toe board of activities or a scavenger hunt! Record your ideas in your inquiry journal πŸ“—

5/7 Think Like a Teacher πŸ’» Google classroom assignment.

Plant-A-Mania Choice Board


Using the visible thinking routine "I used to think, but now I think..." record your thoughts on eLearning.

How has your thinking about eLearning changed since Covid-19 started?

Central Idea: Creativity benefits from limitations.

Let's Keep Exploring!

Connecting to others

How we can support one another?

Operation Innovation

It all starts with an idea!

A Final Look

How will we see our future? Our past?