Connecting to Others

A Provocation:

Virtual Gallery Walk!

These images represent how people have overcome obstacles to show caring during Covid-19

đź“— In your journals consider these questions:

  • How were the people in the photos showing creativity?

  • What were the limitations they are overcoming in order to connect?

Central Idea: Creativity benefits from limitations.

Activity #1

A Focus on Perspective

How people in our families and community are experiencing Covid-19 differently?

Create a perspectives wheel, shown at right. Identify 8 family or community members and assign a segment by writing their names on the outside of the circle. Imagine the ways they are being affected by Covid-19 safety measures. How do you think they are feeling? Use the inside of the pie to write about their unique experience.

If you can, try to interview people who have unique jobs in the community and find out how their jobs are affected?

Example community members to possibly include: mail carrier, hospital workers, mayor, and even your Principal, Ms. Amstutz! I know she would love to know your questions about her work during this time.

Get Inspired! Here are three stories of how people used a creative idea to connect with others in their community.

Click above to read an inspiring story.

Click above to read an inspiring story.

Click above to read an inspiring story.

Activity #2:

ACTION PLAN: Using your wheel and the inspiration here, can you create a plan to cheer up someone you know during Covid-19?

If your student takes action to connect with others, please let us know!

Send photos to with subject title: MAA student caught taking action.

Activity #3: đź“— A focus on your OWN perspective. Many years from now, elementary students may wonder "What was being home to stay safe during Covid-19 like for someone my age?" Your journal is a valuable way to record your experience as a time capsule!

Here are two amazing resources created by a graphic designer mom, Natalie Long, as keepsake for this period of history we are all living through together. You can print or recreate similar pages in your đź“— inquiry journal:

Central Idea: Creativity benefits from limitations.


A Challenge & Opportunity

Let's Keep Exploring!

Operation Innovation

It all starts with an idea!

A Final Look

How will we see our future? Our past?