Visiting Corkran Middle School

Corkran Middle School is following CDC and AACPS guidelines when accepting visitors to the building to keep our staff safe. At Corkran, we are working hard to keep our visitors safe by maintaining social distancing, frequently washing our hands and using hand sanitizer, wearing face coverings, providing hand sanitizing stations in the building as well as disinfecting and sanitizing high touch areas throughout the day.

We kindly request that all visitors:

  1. Make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. Call 410-222-6493 and speak to a secretary to make the appointment- many times our secretaries can answer your questions without a trip to the school.

  2. Please wear a face covering, bring your own pen and your photo ID when entering the building at your appointment time.

  3. Ring the doorbell at the main entrance and clearly state your name and reason for your appointment.

  4. Sign in at the main office and complete the wellness questionnaire if provided one.

  5. Visit our hand sanitizing stations frequently when in the building and maintain a social distance of 6 feet.

Please reschedule your appointment if you have knowingly been exposed to anyone who has been tested positive for COVID or is showing symptoms of COVID. Please reschedule your appointment if you are feeling unwell, showing signs of COVID illness, or have tested positive for COVID in the previous 14 days.