School-Community Connections


An ICST is an Integrated Community Stakeholders Team, which is made up of representatives from 6 areas of industry, and works to support the Signature Program by sharing resources, and assistance in planning events and initiatives. The team meets monthly to ensure Signature Program offerings remain current and provide students with career skills and experiences to meet the demands of a growing field.


Broadneck High School has been named a Wellness School of Distinction, supported largely by the efforts of the Environmental Literacy Signature Program. Signature Program initiatives typically have a wellness component, designed to support our students' and staff's physical, mental, and emotional health.


Signature is for All. As a member of our school's equity team, Mrs. Roth ensures our Signature Program executes best practices for ensuring equitable opportunities for all students at Broadneck. For all things environment, and all things career, all are welcome.

Service Learning

Service Learning and Environmental Literacy go hand in hand. How lucky are we that our Signature Program involves what many consider to be community service? Talk about work you can feel good about! We work closely with the Office of Service Learning at AACPS to ensure all students at Broadneck have ample opportunity to give back to the community and the Earth, in a way that is meaningful to their education.