Arundel's Mental Health Resource Hub

Welcome to Arundel High School's Mental Health Resource Hub

The mental health of Arundel's students has become a priority as one of our newly founded goals is to educate and provide resources for all of our Arundel students. This hub is filled with as many resources as we could find (and we will continue to find more). To see the provided resources click through the tabs/sub-topics at the top right.

Thank you for taking this step for yourself in order to find resources to better your mental health and understanding of it. We are so proud of you. Please remember all that you feel is valid. It's okay be vulnerable and its even more okay to reach out and ask for help!

*Please note this hub will be updated constantly so old links will be updated with new ones as well as new topics may be added and so forth.

Made by the Mental Health and Wellness Event Team (2021)