Meet the 2021/22 Committee!

President -




Treasurer - Christian

Social Sec-


Social Sec - Julia

Wellbeing officer-



Communicates with YUSU, organises and leads sessions, meets with YUSU sports prez, looks after emails, ensures adherence to guidelines set by YUSU and British Gymnastics. Generally makes sure everything runs smoothly.


Assists the president with running of sessions and organisation, general admin, acts as a point of contact for members and potential newcomers, takes care of most email enquiries and answers any questions.


Collects session fees, pays money into YUSU finance and communcates with them about grant funding. Helps the president with budgeting and ensures club money is balanced.

Social Sec:

Organises socials and club merch and encourages newcomers to get involved. Looks after social media, communicates with Leeds Gymnastics club and organises any other activities.

Wellbeing Officer:

Point of contact to discuss worries and concerns, guidance to find support from other student groups, Attend promoted workshops related to racism, mental health etc, potential training with Student Minds