Referral Procedure

1. Instructional/Student Support team (IST/SST) A teacher or related staff member may refer a student to the Instructional Support Team if the presenting problem has an educational impact. The IST will then determine if an occupational therapy screening or evaluation will be recommended. The occupational therapist will then conduct an evaluation or screening, with the parents permission, and recommend services as necessary. If determined a student may receive Building Level Occupational Therapy services. Building Level occupational therapy services continue for 6-8 weeks. The student is then reassessed to determine how he/she has progressed. If need be, the student can continue Occupational therapy services or can be discharged.

2. Committee on Special Education (CSE) The CSE is responsible for determining a child's eligibility for special education and related services. The CSE can refer a child for an occupational therapy evaluation. Services recommended by the CSE are mandated by law.

3. Section 504 This law provides for accommodations and/or modifications to meet the needs of disabled students as adequately as those for non-disabled students. Students may be eligible for Section 504 protections when a disability substantially limits a major life activity in school and mandated adaptations are needed to prevent discrimination. Referrals are made through the 504 committee.

The presence of a disability does not necessarily indicate a need for occupational therapy. For example, if a child shows limited upper extremity strength or range of motion, O.T. is educationally relevant only if that lack of strength or range impacts upon functional skills, e.g. the ability;ability to manipulate classroom tools, activities of daily living (i.e. shoe tying).


Under New York State law, a medical prescription is required to initiate occupational therapy. Services cannot be provided until a doctor's medical prescription is rendered.